Friday, March 23, 2007


I am sticking with the John Harriott theme for today!!! This is one of the coolest things that my grandpa possessed. Every time I look at it, I think of him sitting in his recliner with this lamp on the table right next to him. He, also, had a square wooden bowl with pecans in it, with a silver nutcracker that sat right in front of it. After he passed away, I begged my grandma for this lamp! After asking and asking, she finally gave in. This lamp has turned out to be a topic of conversation with all the people who come to visit us. This is an old nozzle off of a fire hose on one of his old firetrucks. I can't remember the exact year, (mom will have to help us with this one.) The firefighter guys made this nozzle into a lamp for my grandpa. It is made up of all brass. It is heavy!!!!! I always joke around that this lamp, by itself, makes up half of the household good pound limit that the army gives us. I am so proud of what my grandpa accomplished and I am very proud of displaying this lamp in my house and hopefully one of my kids will want it, so it and the story of this firehose can be passed on for generations to come.


Judy said...

Very nice, sweetie. He was very special. He was truly a self made man. He put in 40 years w/ SCE&G, ya know. The City asked him to become the first paid Chief, but he said he had to many years in with the power company to start over. But he stayed very close to the guys and consulted w/ them for a long time. OH, you are right that lamp weighs a ton!

You tell Shane to get his tail to the PO and mail my card. Does that story sound familiar? Like on my last BD? Got a little pattern going here? Forget the M-I-L huh?

Love you all

Shelia said...

Check Judy out with all the lingo! I'm so impressed! LOL That is a very cool story Jamie. Very cool.

Heather said...

I remember the lamp as well. I also remember the pecans and in the summer a bowl of boiled peanuts. I remember how he called me "darlin'".

If your kids don't want the lamp, Jeff will! Just kidding :D