Sunday, June 24, 2007

I'm getting close...

My friend called me the other day and told me about a bear that was near our house and told me he left something that I might could use for my blog! So, this is what I found!! Bear POO!!! They call it bear scat, for some reason. Now, this is something you fellow bloggers probably don't see everyday!! Enjoy! Much different from moose poo, huh!! So, who wants bear poo earrings???LOL.
I took this shot of Mackie on our walk. I let her walk today for the first time without putting her in the stroller. She walked everywhere. And, what is even better is, is that she stayed with me!! Hallelujah!! What a cute face!! Jacob and Emily were with us too, but they are usually too far away to get good shots of them.

After our walk, we came home and I let the kids put icing on some cupcakes that I had made. Jacob and Emily were so busy decorating, and I was making sure they weren't making too big of a mess, then, I looked at Mac. She was EATING the cupcake that she was supposed to be decorating. This is a BUSTED picture, don't cha think?


Shelia said...

OK, what is it with all the poo? LOL Weirdo Alaskans!

That last shot is perfect! She has the Mackie caught in headlights look! LOL


Judy said...

I've always heard Shane say Bear Poo was black...and so it is. I had not heard the scat part..learn somin new everyday!

What she was not suppose to eat it??? ooppss. How cute...She has Jo Anne eyes! or maybe it's the duh? look! JK LOL.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess you know why they call it scat. Who wants it near?

O.K. how did she explain what was on her face? Way tooooo cute!

AmyWhit said...

The last one is tooo cute! Love it! I want to taste some of those cupcakes!