I love this shot of Emily!!! We can see her freckles so clearly! And those eyes! This is truly an angel face. And, as for an update on Shane, he is home. He has been instructed to stay at home this week with his leg elevated. For those who have not heard, he was put in the hospital last Thursday for his migraines and yesterday they found another DVT, or blood clot, in his leg. So, he is on blood thinners again. But, God will see us through again! We have faith! Thanks for all your prayers.
She is a sweetie alright. You used to call freckles, "finkles". Em's "finkles" come from Shane. I think he has a few!
Tell him to stay put like the Doc said, and to shave if he wants his little girls to hug on him! LOL
Maybe we could see a pic of those stockings I heard about...no never mind un-shaven face and stockings..shutter!!
Great picture of my little freckle faced blue eyed angel (who would love to come here and stay with me forever, or so she said!)
Another cute picture! Hope Shane takes it easy! I pray for ya'll everyday.
What a sweet picture, my sister used to call frickles angels kisses!!
Beautiful baby! I won't tell you what Eric tells Catie about her "finkles". LOL I like yall's description MUCH better! Jamie I love ya girl. It must be so hard, but stay tough, stay strong. I heard in some places....mom's are allowed one break down a month! WOOHOO!!
When I was little my family said freckles were lady bug kisses. I guess we all had a favorite story! She is so totally adorable.
Praying for Shane and the whole family.
No freckle stories were passed down to me for some reason. Bailey has a small spattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks, and they are so cute, as are your Emily's.
Stay strong. Make Shane rest and take it easy for the week. You could always just tie him to his recliner!
Hey Jamie
Beautiful picture of Emily! Will keep Shane, you and those babies in my meditations. Thanks for your posts to my blog! I know that you struggle with being so far from home and also to have your husband serving in the military! Hang in there! Sending you positive energy!
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