We saw this rainbow after a long day working in the yard. Hey, mom, look at that, it is a blue sky. We have those sometimes. This rainbow was tremendous. It was so wide. I don't think that I have ever seen one this wide and vibrant. It was almost like being right at the end of it and looking up. Pretty cool!! Maybe soon I will have pics of my flowers that we planted while mom was here. I will have to post a before pic and then post through the summer so ya'll can see how they grow. They have already taken off. I better get busy!! Welcome back everyone!! Now I guess Ame has everyone back and won't feel so lonely!!
Beautiful! Yeah, we could have used a litle more sunshine, but I sure did enjoy being with you all.
I have never seen a rainbow so wide either. And I would sure like to see the before, during and after of the flowers. Things really grow fast and BIG there.
WOW! WOW! WOW! What a rainbow! Jamie, you live in the land of beautiful scenery. Can't wait to see your flower pics.
It is beautiful, Jamie. Definitely the most vivid I've ever seen! Welcome back to the blogs. I WAS lonely, darn it! lol. Everybody decided to leave at once. I was posting to myself. LOL.
That is absolutely most beautiful pic I have seen. Great photography girl!
This is amazing!! It looks like you could have just walked down that street and been right there at the rainbow!! I need to come up there to see these views in person b/c everything just seems so beautiful up there!
I love this! It almost doesn't look real! How totally awesome! Great shot!
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