Monday, April 23, 2007

Trivia for today

What in the world do ya think this is???? Me and the kids took a walk the other day and I took this pic, but I was waiting on all you guys to get back from vacation to blog it. We have a commercial on the post TV channel that asks this same question. Do you think it is a beehive in the sky? Do you think it is a giant Q-tip? Maybe it is a giant mosquito catcher.(you know we have HUMONGOUS ones here.) We have several of these around post! I always wondered what in the world that crazy looking thing was...... Now you can too!!!! I will post the answer to this blazing question later today..... Start your guessing!!! Good luck!


AmyWhit said...

I think it is a big heater/defroster to help along break-up! LOL. I'm sure you've probably wished that before.

Judy said...

Not sure if I'm allowed two guesses but,

1. A Streetlight
2. Radar or phone tower

Judy said...

Dad guesses it a siren, or to detect an earthquake

oldav8r said...

Maybe its a huge smoke detector in case of forest fires!