Monday, April 9, 2007

The Big One

In March of 1964, there was a humongous earthquake here in Anchorage. It really took out most of the downtown area. The roads and buildings were not equipped to handle such a thing like this quake. They were all destroyed. Roads sank into the earth with cars and people on it. These photos are of the remnants of old buildings around the outskirts of Anchorage in Portage, near Girdwood. Today, we still have earthquakes. And, yes, I have felt them. The first one I just thought that I was off balance because I kept falling over as I was kneeling on the floor. Guess it wasn't me that time..... The second one, I was asleep and woke up as I heard a loud sound, like a train coming really close. Then, I remember sitting up in bed, and everything shook. It wasn't humongous, but it was enough to scare the wits out of me. All I kept thinking was that the earth was going to open up and split me from my babies. Shane says that I have watched too many movies, but ya never know..... can't be to cautious. Right???


Shelia said...

Well now that I'm afraid of your earthquakes too! Thanks a lot Jamie! LOL It was the baby part that got me, knock it off! Really good pics though! Are there many of them around? The buildings I mean.

Judy said...

These, other than the ones of my babies, are my favorites! You really did a good job.

You have captured some of the wild Alaska of the past, not that high rise city stuff. (Ancorage is not a real pretty city in my opinion).

Very nice, you know I like history.

AmyWhit said...

You did a great job with these pictures. I love the old, falling down, buildings. Great story to go along with the pics too.'d think they'd have been cleaned up by now, wouldn't you?

Wendy said...

Great pictures Jamie. I love the way you show them sinking in the snow! I would be scared of the earthquakes too!

Heather said...

I don't like to think of you and my nieces and nephew up there with earthquakes!!!

Good pictures! I like the snow surrounding them too. :)