Yes, this is a moose and his droppings. These moose nuggets are a precious commodity up here in Alaska. Someone goes around and collects these droppings and makes things out of it. They make earrings, broaches, keychains, stirring sticks, tie tacks, oh, and they put seeds in it, so that you can plant it!! I would say whoever thought of this is either ingenius or crazy. But, there is an endless supply because of all the moose around these parts. Just be watching around Christmas time, you may all get some moose nugget souveniers!!!! LOL.
OH wow! That is all have I have to say about that!
They make WHAT?! Stirring sticks? What do you stir with moose poop? LOL. That is just disgusting. I don't think I'd be wearing any moose nugget earrings. Is that a precious "stone"? ICK! Interesting post for sure....but I think I'll pass on the souveneirs! LOL
I knew what was comming when I read the title, but souvenirs from poop??? What are they thinking? LOL
She's not kidding I've seen it! I think I even have a key ring here that Jake sent Poppie...
It is pretty gross..but ya know what people buy it ummm by the piles! Bad joke I know!
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