Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Another Moose!

Today when I was taking the kids to school, me and Mac saw this moose standing at Cottonwood Park on post. He didn't mind posing for the camera. I think that he is a bull moose. I think you can see the start of his horns in the top picture. Everytime I see a moose, it reminds me of the movie Brother Bear...... where the moose are walking, playing I spy. And all they spy are trees. I can always hear them saying,......uhhhh.......tree!!! Now, go back and watch that movie again and you will remember. I, also, love to look at their noses. It looks so cute and cuddly, but I don't think that I will be getting close enough to tell... LOL!!!


oldav8r said...

I guess Moose are like cows up there---they are everywhere. Do the people hand feed them or are they totally dangerous? They are just so big!!!

Wendy said...

HOw cute, are you not scared of them????

Shelia said...

OK,so if more than one goose are geese, are more than one moose...meese?? LOL Sorry couldn't help it!

jamie said...

They are everywhere!!!! But, you can't hand feed them!! They are cute to look at from a distance, but they will charge you and can stomp you to death. In my experience, if you don't mess with them, they won't mess with you. And, for a momma moose, don't ever stand between her and her baby!!! Kinda like any momma!! They are fascinating animals though. You know, it is the bears that I am not sure of. I would much rather have snakes and gators!!!

I am not as afraid of them as I was 4 years ago, but they are still just cute to look at while I am in the car!!!LOL

Judy said...

Yes please stay in the car. These things are huge.

Didn't a guy on your skeet shooting team have his truck picked up and tossed by a momma?

Yes any good momma will protect her babies!

AmyWhit said...

LOVE these! They do look awfully cuddly...but I bet they don't smell too purty!