Friday, April 6, 2007

Grillin' N Chillin'

This picture is really deceiving!! It was probably in the low 40's today. Snow is still on the ground. But, my boys love some steak. So, out I go, in my coat, to grill some. I should have got the whole picture, of the grill sitting in the snow on my back porch. I think Amy posted a picture like this one, but this is my take on steaks. My neighbors probably really think I am wierd now. I am the only one on post that grills and takes pictures of it. Oh well, it gives something else to talk about!!


Wendy said...

Mmmmmmmm they look good! Tell you what you bring the steak, amy the crabs, I have the desert and your mom and heather can bring the veggie and we will have some good eatin! Southern Style!

Great pics!

AmyWhit said...

Wendy's plan sounds just about right to me! Great pic of the steaks, Jamie. I guess we were both hungry when we were thinking about the picture of the day!

I hope the crabs are cheaper up there than they are down least the snow crab/king crab varieties!

jamie said...

King crab up here is about $16.95 a pound!! That is at a seafood market, not restaurant. They typically run about $36-$37 a pound there.

That menu sounds great!!! I didn't see the banana pudding until after I posted!! I would love to have some good ol southern style eatin~

Heather said...

Anytime, girl, anytime! How 'bout a crab boil at Nana's?

Jeff would probably like some oysters---yeah, April has an "r"!

oldav8r said...

Jamie, Northerners don't understand the need to grill in the snow! We always grilled in the garage in Michigan just as soon as we shovled a path out there. So whats a littl snow, gotta have the BBQ1