I took these shots because I really love the "not looking at the camera look" now. Maybe, because it is all I get without them making some kind of crazy face. I don't know who they might get that trait from, do you?? In the first shot, I loved Jacob's freckles and his blue eyes. In the second shot, I really tried to focus on the crinkle in Emily's nose. It is amazing how you can notice even the littlest detail on your kids. Being a parent, has to be one of the most rewarding jobs on earth, and I am so fortunate that I can focus all my attention on them. At the end of the day, what really matters??? I look at those freckles and that same crinkle in the nose and know that this is my purpose, and everything else just fades in the background!
Monday, April 30, 2007
The little details
I took these shots because I really love the "not looking at the camera look" now. Maybe, because it is all I get without them making some kind of crazy face. I don't know who they might get that trait from, do you?? In the first shot, I loved Jacob's freckles and his blue eyes. In the second shot, I really tried to focus on the crinkle in Emily's nose. It is amazing how you can notice even the littlest detail on your kids. Being a parent, has to be one of the most rewarding jobs on earth, and I am so fortunate that I can focus all my attention on them. At the end of the day, what really matters??? I look at those freckles and that same crinkle in the nose and know that this is my purpose, and everything else just fades in the background!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Moose Nuggets
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Well, as you can see by the title of this post, Ice man won GOLD!!!! HOORAH!! or should I say HOOAH? (go army). Anyway, there were 4 kids in his 70 lb. bracket. So, he wrestled his 3 opponents, and won them all by pinning them. He pinned one kid in 17 seconds. Woohoo!! We are so very proud of him for going out and doing his very best. He told me last night that he knew he could do it because "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Isn't that something coming from an 8 year old? I wonder if they know exactly how much they teach us? Also, I used the story of "The Little Engine That Could". (The Major Payne version.) So, right before he went out on the mat, all I said was Toot! Toot! LOL. So, the blog today is dedicated to my little ICE MAN!!! Congrats, buddy!! State championship is next week, so everyone be ready!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Mac Attack
UH-OH!!! This looks like trouble!!! Look out all you wrestlers out there! She is strapping on the headgear! I bet she can pin you in no time at all! She could be just going after her brother for putting a piece of white string around her sippy cup and pulling it from her just as she goes to grab it. Yes, this was his new ploy to aggrevate his sisters. And I would have to say it worked pretty well. She got royally ticked because she couldn't figure out why that dang sippy cup kept jumping away from her. And, all the while, Jake was laughing hysterically. Typical brothers!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Brer Fox

I took these pictures last July. Me and the kids were riding around looking for bears, and we saw this fox just walking along. Then, he decided to stop and look at us and then scratch!! You never know what you are going to find up here in the way of animals. Maybe, I need to look for a fox and will probably find the bear!! LOL. We have even seen porcupines. But, as luck would have it, it was when we first moved here and didn't have a camera with me!! I thought this fox was too cute to pass up!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
The Answer is...........
The answer to this burning question is................drumroll please...............................
It is an intercom. It is used to tell us important information that we need to know. So, dad was right. Every now and then they test it out and I hear someone talking outside my house. I always have to stop and listen. And then, I know it is just the big speaker in the sky. We, also, get to hear all the bugle's that are played everyday starting at 6:30am and ending at 10:00pm. We also hear the cannon which goes off everyday except weekends at 6:30am when the flag goes up & 5:00pm as the flag goes down. One day we will miss this!!!!
It is an intercom. It is used to tell us important information that we need to know. So, dad was right. Every now and then they test it out and I hear someone talking outside my house. I always have to stop and listen. And then, I know it is just the big speaker in the sky. We, also, get to hear all the bugle's that are played everyday starting at 6:30am and ending at 10:00pm. We also hear the cannon which goes off everyday except weekends at 6:30am when the flag goes up & 5:00pm as the flag goes down. One day we will miss this!!!!
Trivia for today
What in the world do ya think this is???? Me and the kids took a walk the other day and I took this pic, but I was waiting on all you guys to get back from vacation to blog it. We have a commercial on the post TV channel that asks this same question. Do you think it is a beehive in the sky? Do you think it is a giant Q-tip? Maybe it is a giant mosquito catcher.(you know we have HUMONGOUS ones here.) We have several of these around post! I always wondered what in the world that crazy looking thing was...... Now you can too!!!! I will post the answer to this blazing question later today..... Start your guessing!!! Good luck!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Tonight was Emily's first performance as an All-American firecracker. They did a little dance that they have been working on for about 3-4 weeks. They actually did very well. This dance even had a jump in it. In the first picture they were waiting for their music to come on. You can't tell she is excited, can you?? The last picture is of their ending. She still looks pretty happy!! This is definately her element! Her coach said that she asked her right when they got off the floor, when they could do it again!! She even wore this outfit as pajamas tonight!! TOOO CUTE!!! There is nothing like watching your babies play sports or perform!! GO FIRECRACKERS!!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Me and the kids decided to take a walk today. It is our first walk after break up. The sidewalks are all dried out now. There are still puddles around and even some snow piles. Jacob managed to find all of the puddles. It is amazing how the puddles call his name. Emily tried her best to stay on the dry sidewalks, and Mac just rode happily without uttering one sound. The wind was blowing pretty hard freezing my ears off, but we managed to get a good 40 minute walk in!! As we were walking, I was taking pictures of all kinds of things. People were looking at me crazy, but oh well... I saw these pinecones. I know you guys don't have this kind down south because last year, mom had Jacob and Emily picking these little pinecones up for some kind of project she had in mind. These pinecones are only about 2 1/2 -3 inches long. They are very soft. They aren't prickly like the ones down south. They are actually kind of neat.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Our Street
This is a shot of our street. We live in the tan one. haha. Can you guess which one?? That is the best and worst thing about housing. They virtually ALL look alike. There is no picking colors, no picking flooring, or appliances. And we all have the same brown picket fence. I wonder if they chose brown because of army colors.....huh??? When we give directions, it is alway go to tan house..... oh yeah, I mean...... Anyway, we were coming home one night from something, it was about 6:30-7ish at night, and the sun was shining so brightly on our houses. It was kinda pretty. I like the color variation in the sky. Anyway, I took it because it looked cool, then I thought it was stupid, and something just keep tugging at me, so here it is.... Our Street.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I thought that these were appropriate for today. It was about 52 degrees this afternoon. It is time to break these babies out and start wearing them. And, notice that I don't go anywhere in my flip flops without my tree and moon!!! Shane says that if you marry a carolina girl, you better just get used to that tree and moon everywhere. I don't know what he is talking about, though, I only have it on my car, in the kitchen, on my doormat, on my shoes, on many of my clothes........etc.. I know you girls probably don't have any thing with the tree and moon, do ya???
Monday, April 16, 2007
Today was a busy day. We have ballet, tap and wrestling. So, while Emily has ballet, Jacob and Mac get to play and run some energy out at an indoor playground. Emily was so busy practicing for their recital coming in May, and Jacob won't be still for one minute. So, the only one that I can keep up with right now is Mac. She has to be my subject most of the time. She just doesn't have a choice....for now, anyway. In these shots, she was sliding down an enclosed slide. She would get to the bottom and look back up at me. She thought that was pretty fun!!! I love these shots of her. This shows the real her!! Her true personality! The first one has got to be my favorite of her yet!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Sorry about yesterday, girls. and Bub. We were so exhausted after a fun filled day at wrestling again. For an update on that, the Ice Man took 2nd again. But, they combined 2 weight classes so that they could wrestle more, and the only boy that beat the Ice Man was a kid that weighed in at about 10 lbs heavier than him. So, technically he would have gotten 1st if he would have wrestled exclusively in his weight class. Did you guys follow that?? I know, I feel like I am speaking russian myself. All in all, we were proud and so was he!!!!
I thought today I would show you some of the infamous faces around my household. I see these faces come from my children almost daily. I need to capture Ice man's usual face though. I thought I had it, but I guess not. Emily is a very emotional child. Anything and everything can get to her, if she lets it. But, one time she told me I just want my Nana!! This was the face she used. How can you say no that face..... Well, maybe I am just mean, but sometimes, depending on what it is, I just have to, only because I love her. One day I guess she will understand. I did.
My mackie. She has some good faces that she makes.. I thank God for all of my children, but He knew that I needed this one. She is just so loving. When Shane was gone and the kids were at school, she would just come over and crawl up in my lap and wrap those tiny arms around my neck and hug me. It was just what the Dr. ordered. It was almost like she knew I needed a hug. Babies are so amazing, such intricate little souls. The face in this picture is one that she has made since she was born. She wrinkles up that little nose and squints her eyes. I think Pop is quite fond of this face. How could you not love these faces???
Friday, April 13, 2007
Hollywood's Hawaiian day
Emily and I went shopping the other night. She saw these glasses and had to have them.. They fit her sooo well!!! I think they bring the whole drama queen package together! Notice the diamonds on the corners of the shades. This is the real reason we had to have them. She once told her daddy that she wasn't going to date any boy that didn't bring her diamonds, rubies, pearls,.....etc. Shane says that this is just fine with him, being that most boys will not be able to adhere to her standards. This second photo, is of her at her hawaiian day at school. They were doing a relay race to see which group could put all these clothes on, run over to the second group and take them off. It was soo much fun.. When this pic was taken, she still had pants and a shirt to put on. But, her group ended up winning the race. YIPPEE!!! She was having so much fun!! I love to see her smile and her laugh is absolutely contagious!!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
A little color?
Well, it is officially break-up. I guess you could call it spring? maybe. Anyway, this white stuff is finally on its way out. Thank heavens. This is a pic of the tree in my back yard. But, what I was really focusing on is the grass. I think it is the color green. I don't know, I haven't seen this green stuff since last October. Can someone tell me, is this really grass? Gosh, I hope so. I am starting to get the itch to plant my flowers. By the middle to end of May, my flowers should be in their pots and well on their way to growing big and tall!!!! Stay tuned for those pictures. I can't wait!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Another Moose!
Today when I was taking the kids to school, me and Mac saw this moose standing at Cottonwood Park on post. He didn't mind posing for the camera. I think that he is a bull moose. I think you can see the start of his horns in the top picture. Everytime I see a moose, it reminds me of the movie Brother Bear...... where the moose are walking, playing I spy. And all they spy are trees. I can always hear them saying,......uhhhh.......tree!!! Now, go back and watch that movie again and you will remember. I, also, love to look at their noses. It looks so cute and cuddly, but I don't think that I will be getting close enough to tell... LOL!!!
Mac doing her thing
This blogger site must update at the time that I get on here to post. That is why I am posting today. I took this shot yesterday. She demanded to run around in her diaper. I swear when her clothes are taken off, she gets faster. She can run like the wind naked. I thought this was a pretty good shot. These days, I have to capture her in her element instead of how I want her. I know you ladies understand. Look at those chubby little hands.. how sweet!!
Monday, April 9, 2007
The Big One
In March of 1964, there was a humongous earthquake here in Anchorage. It really took out most of the downtown area. The roads and buildings were not equipped to handle such a thing like this quake. They were all destroyed. Roads sank into the earth with cars and people on it. These photos are of the remnants of old buildings around the outskirts of Anchorage in Portage, near Girdwood. Today, we still have earthquakes. And, yes, I have felt them. The first one I just thought that I was off balance because I kept falling over as I was kneeling on the floor. Guess it wasn't me that time..... The second one, I was asleep and woke up as I heard a loud sound, like a train coming really close. Then, I remember sitting up in bed, and everything shook. It wasn't humongous, but it was enough to scare the wits out of me. All I kept thinking was that the earth was going to open up and split me from my babies. Shane says that I have watched too many movies, but ya never know..... can't be to cautious. Right???
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Ice man puts the competition on ICE!!
You guessed it, we had another wrestling tournament today. It seems that this is the only photo ops I get on Saturday, without pulling from the reserve. But, today was special. Jacob wrestled in the 70 pound catagory because he weighed in after eating a steak and some eggs from last night at a whopping 65.9 pounds. This put him in a higher weight catagory. He was ecstatic. He says that when he slams the bigger boys, they make a louder sound hitting the mat. LOL.. That's my boy. Anyway, he ended up coming in second place. They always do a medal ceremony at the end. This was his!! Hooray for the ICE MAN!!!!! (You can't tell he's happy, can ya??)
Friday, April 6, 2007
Grillin' N Chillin'
This picture is really deceiving!! It was probably in the low 40's today. Snow is still on the ground. But, my boys love some steak. So, out I go, in my coat, to grill some. I should have got the whole picture, of the grill sitting in the snow on my back porch. I think Amy posted a picture like this one, but this is my take on steaks. My neighbors probably really think I am wierd now. I am the only one on post that grills and takes pictures of it. Oh well, it gives something else to talk about!!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Outdoor fun, again, finally!!
Can you believe it??? Jacob and Emily were able to ride their bikes for the first time since last October!!! The temperature was about 42 degrees today. The snow is melting so fast now. Break-up has begun. YIPPEE!!!! It actually started snowing today, and then turned into rain. YES, I said rain!!!! It smelled so wonderful....... AHHHH, the smell of rain, cleaning everything. It has been a long time...... Oh, the things you take for granted. Anyway, notice in the first shot, Bubba is wearing shorts and short sleeved shirt and snow boots. Emily also has her snow boots on. I love the reflections in these shots. From now on, if I see my babies outside, they usually have a bike, skateboard, or scooter attached to them.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Do YOU want a coke?
Only in Alaska will you see things like this. A stuffed bear on top of a coca cola machine. Every time you go to get a coke out of this machine, it truly looks like he is staring you down. You know what would be funny is, is if he growled when you pushed the button!!! I wonder how many people would jump. Anyway, sorry, this was located in the lobby of the hotel we stayed in, in Kenai. He was right at the bottom of the stairs waiting. I told Shane he needs to go bear hunting and get one made into a rug or something. How many people back home have one of those??? Their paws are incredible. This one is actually little!! Anyway, this was just for you, Ame. He doesn't look stuffed, does he??
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Wascally Wabbits
Monday, April 2, 2007
Wild, Wild North???
Yes, these were taken on our trip. They were actually at the hotel where we stayed. They had really neat stuff there from a 146# halibut (fish) on the wall to a black bear stuffed on top of a coke machine. They had a newspaper article about when Alaska became the 49th state framed. They also, had this cash register. It sat behind the desk where the receptionist was. At first I thought that they still used it. It looked so saloonish to me. I can just see this sitting in the saloon of one of the many western saloons that I have been and am made to watch over and over and over again. Or should I say 'westerins'. =)
The inscription on the top says Save your check. It is valuable. The second photo was also in the lobby of the hotel. I think it is an old barbers chair. But I don't know. Do any of you???
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Lions and tigers and BEARS! Oh my!
Well, we had a wonderful trip!! I have to say that Kenai and Soldotna have to be the prettiest in the state of Alaska that I have seen so far. It kind of reminded me of where I grew up 20 years ago, before everything got so commercialized. Ice man did well!! I think he placed about 6th of about 13 boys in his weight bracket!! Yippee!! He got his first pin. He was so excited. On the way home we stopped at this wildlife conservation place. They take in animals that are hurt/have no home. These bears were totally posing for the camera. They must've seen my big honkin' lens coming. These bears are brown bears. The guy who runs the place says they have been out of hibernation for a while. I really wish we could've seen a bear in the wild, but they are probably just starting to wake up and are probably really hungry!! So, I am happy just to see these guys! We got some truly awesome shots, so I will sharing them I am sure. Shane says we got enough shots for a whole month of blogging!!
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