Monday, July 9, 2007
Tonight was the official start of the 2007 football season. Practice was actually a parents meeting along with the dispersal of equipment. So, here about 20 boys and their parents are anxiously standing there in a circle around the coach and waiting for their sons name to be called and gear and practice jersies to be given out. Then it was up to the parents to give them all the vital info about your kid like birth cert, report card, physical, and a picture...... I am surprised that Jacob's manager wasn't there to do all of this for me!! I think I will fire him!!! Along with the nanny and the housekeeper!! She never does her job like she is supposed to. We always have clothes on the floor....But thats another story!!!.......... But back to the blog.... This is the infamous practice jersy (that he is currently sleeping in.) AND he got his all time favorite #49!!!!! WOOOHOOO~~

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Give me a "J"; Give an "A"; Give me a "C"; Give me a "O"; Give me "B" what does that spell JACOB!!!! Our football hero...#49....
This should wear his little butt out! he'll be fallin into bed now! I'm not sure how you'll hold up..
And he'll have to take it easy on Pop..cause Pop has to work forever.
Go Panthers!!!
Regarding the manager and housekeeper...good help is just so hard to find these days! I sympathize with you. It's cute that he's so excited and is sleeping in his jersey. I wouldn't count on it wearing him out though. It's been my experience that not much wears these kids out at their ages....unfortunately for us parents! Is there any particular reason that #49 is special to him?
eric cant wait to play tackle football this year. i just hope i dont have to help him.
Woohoo! Go buddy Go! Jamie Jamie Jamie, I'll be praying for ya girl. Remember to get plenty of rest at night. I mean you Jamie! LOL
If Jacobs favorite number is 49 is he going to be a running back. Look out Walter Payton and Barry Sanders!
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