My photo editing software is not cooperating with me tonight, so I had to pull from an oldie!!! As you can see this one was taken last winter..... But I love the pink sunset that is on top of these mountains! My faith has been tested and tested here lately!! But, I keep believing that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. I thought and thought about how I could take a picture of something that you can't see!! And then it hit me, duh, you live around all kinds of mountains.... and faith can move the mountains..
Today I watched the movie Facing Giants!! This movie hit home to me... especially since I have been facing them alot lately. God says 365 times in the Bible 'Do not fear'. It is amazing that this also coincides with how many days are in a year. So, everyday, you have nothing to fear if God is on your side!! I truly believe that God is on my side!! I was told yesterday that I was never part of the Army's plan..... But, I kept pressing on and now, I am seeing God work through my actions. He is making support groups for the families whose soldier comes home with PTSD and TBI's(traumatic brain injuries). He is also making new paperwork for these families to fill out if they need to take their kids with them to appointments in other states.... All of this because I have stood up and had FAITH that God would put me where He wants me to be and doing what he wants me to do...
I'm so proud of you, Who cares if the Army does not think you are part of their plan, you and your little family are part of God's much larger plan..You have moved mountains, with your faith.
Keep shoving..just a few more to go..them you'll be home and we can all help you push.
I want his name...the one who said you were not part of the Army's plan! Before Thursday!!
How RUDE! If a soldier has a family, then the family must also be part of the plan. These men are not machines to send into battle. The Army needs to get with the program! I do know that what you are saying is the truth, but that doesn't make it right. The mountains may be moved one shovelful of dirt at a time, but you're making progress. Just keep shoveling!
I rented that movie yesterday (Facing the Giants), but I haven't watched it yet.
You keep going, babe! I'll bet the guy who told you that got one evil eye stare!
You are so strong and I really admire you for that. God's plan is the only plan that matters and he will prevail over all so march on "Christian Soldier" !!!
AMEN Jamie! God has put you in this position for a reason. You keep on persevering GOOD will come. You quoted one of my favorite scriptures I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me!
That is your reason for being there. You are God's spokesperson for all the other families and to be the steadfast person to get the military to wake up. Praise God for you Jamie, and thank you. No telling how many officers you have changed with your FAITH!
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