Emily has a new best friend!!! Her name is Tiffany! For 3 years now, there hasn't been any girls on our street that have been Emily's age. She has prayed and prayed for a friend to come move into a house around us.. I told you that my kids have a direct line to God. Well, he answered her prayer...he answers most of her prayers pretty quickly....(he know's how she is!LOL!) Tiffany moved in 2 doors down and she is one week older than Em!!! How cool is that.. And I must say that having another girl around the house is quite different than having Jacob's friends over!!! Boys love to run around all the time and eat everything in the house that doesn't eat them first.....But little girls, sit and talk quietly!! They don't run around, they take their shoes off before coming inside, and all they do is drink a Hi-C every now and then!!! It really took me by surprise!! Just look at the joy on Emily's face!! She is so happy that she has a friend!! And I am so happy for her!
Well, Yea! She is a very pretty little girl..and it looks like Em is having a great time.
I would imagine that little girly girls, like these two have a different kinda fun than the Tom-Boys (like you). It has to be fun watching them....I bet they are fare game for Jacob...and I can Em now!!! "Momma tell Jacob to STOP!"
You may need to take out a lona for nail polish and lip gloss!
Jamie that is a sweet pic. I am happy for Emily that she has a grilfriend. We all need grilfriends, and I am so glad all of you blogers are my grilfriends. I wish we could all get together and drink some Hi-C on one of these hot afternoons.
Have fun with your grilfriend Emily!!
Tell Emily to put me and my family on her prayer list!! That is so sweet, I'm happy for her. I know what you mean about boys. I have had a house full all summer, and i cannot keep it clean or have enough food. I go to the Pig everyday!! Shane stats football practice next week so that'l so things down a bit!! He will be playing B-team for THA.
That is so great for her. There's nothing in the world like having a very best friend! My best friend moved from the area four years ago (her husband is in the Navy), and I just can't seem to find a new one. You've reminded me that I need to give her a call.
How WONDERFUL for Emily to have a new friend! We all need a close girlfriend! Thank God for all my friends. I see dress-up & Tea time ahead Jamie.
All girls need girlfriends! I have to remind my two all the time to stay close to at least one! Love the shirt-is that a designer?
What a great picture. You can just see the joy leaping out. Oh blessed day to have a new girlfriend!
Awww! I'm sooo happy for them! I'm with your mom, get ready to buy a ton of nail polish and gloss! Matching of course!
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