I was taking the kids to school this morning and we saw 2 moose. One was on the way to school, and I didn't have time to take a picture of her. But, closer to home at about 8:30am, I saw this moose standing by herself. They always eat on these trees, but I can't figure out what they are eating as there are no leaves on the trees. They say that a moose lives in one place and will stay within a 5 mile radius of her bed, until they run out of food and have to move on. They are fascinating creatures. They think they own everything here. You have to be careful, though, because unlike deer, they are not afraid of you and will hurt you. I was in the car when I took this picture.
COOL! I would hate to run into one of those and NOT be in a car! How big are they? I've never seen one up close....or maybe even at all. If there are more than one, are they meese? ;)
The 'MEESE' are HUGE!!! Probably about 2-3 times the size of a deer. They come in our yards all the time and eat off of our trees. They are pretty cool. They could care less that you need to go somewhere or that they are in your way. You just have to wait on them to leave. They never run away from you. I am always nervous that they are going to charge at me!!! You know me girl, I would take snakes and gators any day, but a moose or bear??? That's a different story!!
Jamie, I am enjoying your pic's. I always jump on Amy's computer as soon as she takes a break and check out the blogs. She is over at Bill's right now. Take care, and keep lots of pic's comming.
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